Saturday, October 29, 2005

No cougars here.

Off to suburban Ottawa for the next 30 hours to spend time with a gaggle of girls. As I told Kat, our hostess calls it the Girlz Gone Wild weekend. If we get really crazy, the application of toenail polish may be involved... and possibly facials! My head spins at the insanity of it all. Me, I want a hot tub soak or 10, and I hope they have good coffee.

Friday, October 28, 2005

I welcome myself back

I got rid of the old blog because it detailed 3 years of addiction and frankly, I shudder even to think of it.

Nobody knows at this very instant that this new blog exists. I shall whiz through all my regular reads and let them know, however. Then I can welcome back all the Cs and Ks -- very odd how many of my old blog-buddies have similar names -- if they deign to return and read.

Other than them, this will be so restricted, even my own mother won't be allowed to read it. She didn't like me even admitting I have a mother, so how paranoid is that? Maybe from now on I'll call her The Stork. Even though she'll never read this.

Aaiit, so here' s the deal: I have no idea what this will be about, except I do carry on an awful lot of private conversations in my head, generally aimed at annoying strangers. I will not pull too many punches, although I will strive not to offend. I will allow myself to use bad words, because I do it in real life. I'm tired of censoring myself. I think a well-placed "fuck" when used for emphasis is really good.

Just remember: these are my thoughts, everyone has thoughts (I think), and therefore they will be here. I lost my first entry somewhere on my computer, but this will do for now.

Or maybe not...

They don’t get it until you spell it out

With a spike through the head. That men can really be so clueless is a slight shock to me, because I figured that after rejecting his advances – first gently, then violently pulling away – he’d get it, but no. I thought my body language was clear. I thought my continuous refusal to put out was clear. I thought that several years – years! – of just-friends was clear.

But no, it took a friend to tell him today that lattégirl is not romantically interested in him, now or ever. I hear he is crestfallen. Now he doesn’t see how we can be friends any longer.

How very Age Fourteen.

Now what am I going to do with the Christmas presents I got him? They’re all so nice, I’d like to keep them myself.